Daily bulletin 6/6/24



Thursday, June 6, 2024

Week’s Events:




·         After lunch classes report to:

o    Juniors –Mr Blevins room

o    Sophomores –Mr Hoagland’s room

o    Freshmen –Ms Johnson’s room

o    8th graders – Mrs Sanchez’s room

·         Class Day @ 1:15

·         Happy birthday Tara!



·         Juniors will schedule next year’s classes with Mrs Lynch

·         Graduation @ 6:30







1.     Any Junior or Senior interested in taking construction class next year will need to fill out an application.  There are only 9 spots available.  See Mr. Blevins for the applications.

2.    There will be a X-country meeting on Tuesday, 6/11 in the old computer lab @ 3pm for all interested students.

3.     Summer Drivers Ed starts the week after school gets out. See Mr. Raymond ASAP for information or to sign up. Space is limited

4.     RSB High School Volleyball Meeting on Tuesday (6/11) at the beginning of 7th period. Please check into your 7th period before heading to the Big Gym (KFH). 






Lunch Today: Cheesey garlic French bread, broccoli, corn, juice, peaches, Grandma’s Cookies, milk


Breakfast Tomorrow: Muffin square, string cheese, oranges juice, milk


Lunch Tomorrow: Pizza, carrots, peas, juice, fruit cup, Oreo cookies, milk


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