Daily bulletin 3/28/2024



Thursday, March 28, 2024

Week’s Events:



·         Fastpitch @ Naselle, game @ 3:00, bus leaves @ 1:00, release @ 12:45 

·         HS Track @ Winlock, bus leaves @ 1:00, release @ 12:45

         JV Soccer vs Ridgefield, game @ 6pm

·         Study table w/Kat

·         Senior help w/Mrs. Lynch



·         HS ASB meeting @ 8:10 in Mr. Nelson's office

·         JR High ASB meeting in the library

·         National Honor Society meeting @ lunch in the library

·         Track & Soccer pictures starting @ 1:30 with JH Track, 2:00 HS Track, 2:30 Soccer

·         Baseball vs Forks, game @ 3:00, double header







1.     Seniors: If you received an application to fill out for your senior plaque, I have extended the date to match World Class Scholars.

2.     Seniors- Do you need help with your scholarship packets, applying to college or filling out your FAFSA/WASFA?  Mrs. Lynch will be available on Tue/Thurs after school to assist you for the next 3 weeks!

3.     Help us spread kindness! The Early Childhood Education class is sponsoring a kindness challenge. Pick up a calendar in the library. Look over kindness examples in the library window. Fill in the blanks as you go. Turn it in at the library by the 7th period on April 10th. Try to do something kind every day! 7-day check-in library= candy, 14 days’ check-in library = 2 Character count cards, 18+ days check-in library = pick from prize bucket as well as entry in the grand prize!

4.     High School Cheer sign ups are now open.  Any student in 8th-11th grade is eligible to sign up in the office.  Flyers are attached to the board with the practice schedule. Try-outs are on April 27th




·         The Bay Center Women’s Club is looking for students to help with their town clean up event on Saturday, May 4th.  They will provide all the tools and lunch.  More information in the office



Lunch Today: Ham sub sandwich, cucumbers, tater tots, applesauce, peaches, Scooby Snacks and milk


Breakfast Tomorrow: Bagel w/ cream cheese, hard boiled egg, fruit and milk


Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken burgers, baked beans, carrots, raisins, jello, fruit and milk


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