Daily Bulletin 3/30/22
Wednesday, March 30th,
Week’s Events:
JH ASB meeting @ 8:05 in the library
Advisory 4th period
Sources of Strength Week- Generosity Day- There will be hot cocoa at lunch
Placement testing 1:00 - 3:15 in room 270
JH Track @ Naselle, bus leaves @1:45,
release @ 1:30
Soccer @ Forks,
bus leaves @ 1:45, release @ 1:05 -meet Mr Schray in
front @ 1:15
Homework club @ 3:15 in the library
HS ASB meeting @ 8:10 in Mr Nelson's
HS Track @ Forks, bus leaves @ 12:00, release @ 11:30
Sources of Strength Week Positive Friendships. Twin Day or Dress alike with
your friend group.
Homework club is canceled
Sources of Strength Week – Wear your strength
Softball @ Chief
Leschi, bus leaves @ 2:00, release @ 1:45
Soccer @ Hoquiam,
bus leaves @ 4:00, players
can ride the Ch B bus to Raymond
Baseball vs PWV @ noon
This is just a reminder about
lunchtime rules. Junior high students are NOT allowed to leave campus
during lunch. High school students are allowed to walk to the
store. High school students who have driver's licenses and have their car
registered with the office can only drive to their home, by themselves.
You are not allowed to drive to Dollar General, Pioneer, Betzy's, McDonald's,
the Jackpot, the Inn or anywhere else other than your home, by yourself. Consequences for breaking lunchtime rules
begin with lunch detention and go up from there. Thank you. Mr.
Schray and Mr. Nelson.
2. Club pictures will be tomorrow during 1st period on the
front steps. Times listed are times to be released, not the picture times. FFA
-8:34, Skills USA - 8:38, Hispanic Latino Club -8:42, Knowledge Bowl -8:46,
Link Crew -8:50, Drama Club -8:54, Pep Club -8:58, Key Club -9:02.
Chrome books checked out of the
office cart MUST be returned daily.
is Source of Strength Week. Strength
colors: Purple is Spirituality, Light Blue is
Medical Access, Red is Mental Health, Orange is Family Support, Yellow is
Positive Friends, Green is Mentors, Dark Blue is Healthy Activities , Grey
is Generosity
Crisis Support Network is sponsoring
a coloring contest. The coloring sheets can be picked up in the office and are
due back by April 8th. Everyone who completes a picture will receive a
If you need community service hours,
there is an opportunity to help out with a 92 year old's birthday party on
Saturday, May 7th. Mr. Nelson will be very generous with community
service hours for this one. Please let Susie, Theresa, or Mr. Nelson know
if you're interested.
Lunch Today: Chicken noodle soup, peanut butter sandwich, cauliflower,
fruit, milk
Breakfast Tomorrow: Breakfast burrito,
fruit, milk
Lunch Tomorrow: Hotdog on a bun,
carrots, corn, fruit, milk
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